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Doxa 13                                                                荣耀颂歌 (十三)



很荣幸能够把这本由新加坡神学院所出版的双语的诗歌集呈现给您们。这些诗歌是由圣乐学 院的讲师们所遴选编辑而成,为切合亚洲地区英语及华语教会之需要。 


本诗歌集之所以称为 Doxa (dox’-ah)「荣耀颂歌」,有以下几个原因: 


  • 「δοξα」一词源自希腊文,中文圣经一般翻译为「荣耀」或者「贵」。 
  • 一切基督徒或者基督教事工,包括圣乐颂赞事工,存在的目的只有一个:为荣 耀神。「或作什么,一切都要为神的荣耀而行。」(林前 10:31 下) 
  • 「我又听见在天上、地上、地底下和海里的一切被造之物,以及天地间的万 有,都说:“愿颂赞、尊贵、荣耀、能力,都归给坐在宝座上的那一位和羔羊,直到永永远 远。”」(启 5:13)这句话足以道出,我们所作所唱尽为永恒。 




唱出:「愿颂赞、荣耀、智慧、感谢、尊贵、权能、力量,都归给我们的神,直到永永远 远。阿门!」(启 7:12) 



Doxa 13 荣耀颂歌 (十三)

SKU: 979-090-16-5467-9
  • Preface 


    We are happy to present to you this first bilingual Christian choral music collection published by Singapore Bible College.  The songs have been selected and edited by a team of lecturers from the institution’s School of Church Music to meet the needs of both English- and Chinese-speaking churches throughout Asia.  


    This collection is entitled Doxa (dox’-ah) for the following reasons:  


    1. It is the transliteration of δοξα, a New Testament Greek term commonly translated as “glory” and “honor” in the English Bible.  


    2. It is a word to describe the sole purpose of the existence of all Christians and Christian ministries, including the choral ministry: for God’s glory.   

    “Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” (1 Cor. 10:31b)


    3. It is a word that describes what we will do and sing for eternity.   

    “Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, singing: ‘To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!” (Rev. 5:13) 


    As we await the time when we will spend eternity giving glory to God in heaven, let us use the songs in this collection to sing one of the songs of eternity, “Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever.  Amen!” (Rev. 7:12)  


    The Editorial Committee 


DOXA -  minimun order 10 copies per series

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