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Christmas Canticles

序 言


此圣诞颂歌能给予《基督再临》《耶稣圣诞》《救主显身》等节日,有个完美的崇拜,以 致会众可以静享熟悉的颂诗及美妙的新歌。出版这份作品是期盼能很切实地演出富有创意 且大家熟悉的颂诗及新歌。其中各部组曲也可以分别演出,更可以连朗诵一起作圣诞节目之主体,还可应用在装饰圣诞或读经赞颂的聚会中。


便雅悯哈兰创作了这部富有灵感且容易演唱的作品,约翰蒲立福所编乐队谱,也布满 色彩却仍保持实用。




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你认为神爱我,正像我爱我的家人一样吗?过去的年日里人都告诉我说:祂的确是如此。 神爱我甚至将祂的独生子安置在一个艰苦的世界上。为此,我可以学会如何爱人超过爱自 己,甚至能爱那些不可爱的人。


重新在不朽的圣诞颂诗里添置了新的色彩,我希望这部音乐能帮助你放下忙碌的工作,歇 一歇,来敬拜这位为我们舍弃一切的新生王。祂没有条件、完全自愿、绝对摆上。






Christmas Canticles brings favorite carols and beautiful new songs together in a complete worship service for the Advent, Christmas and Epiphany season. Our desire in publishing this work is to make available accessible, creative settings of favorite carols and new songs in a flexible presentation. Each suite can be performed separately or together with narration and used as a centerpiece for Christmas, hanging of the greens or lessons and carols services.


Benjamin Harlan has created a beautifully inspired and singable work. John Purifoy’s orchestrations masterfully color the work while remaining practical.


May Christmas Canticles serve as a means to heighten your celebration of the Incarnation.


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Do you suppose God loves me as much as I love my family? I’ve been told all of my life He does. God loved me enough to place His only Child in a tough, harsh world so that I can learn about loving others more than loving myself... and learn about loving unlovely people.


Revisit immortal carols in Christmas Canticles with new color. I hope the music will help you put away your busy work, stop, and pay homage to the Infant King Who gave all. Unconditionally. Willingly. Sacrificially.


Gloria in excelsis deo!


Christmas Canticles

SKU: 979-0-9016506-3-3
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